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RBS15 Gungnir


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现代战争正在快速变化,部队无法再将就着使用可能难以应对未来威胁的导弹系统. 为了解决这个问题, 十大正规博彩网站评级已经实施了动手设计, 为客户提供一种真正面向未来的导弹系统——RBS15“Gungnir”.


Jointly developed by Saab and Diehl Defence, Gungnir is the latest member of the RBS15家庭,使用RBS15 Mk4导弹. Designed to dominate any environment, the Mk4 can operate effectively in littorals and blue waters. It can also be launched from land, sea and air platforms – offering exceptional versatility.

该解决方案结合了丰富的经验和最新的创新,可以应对所有现代海军挑战, 比如杂乱和恶劣的天气. Gungnir is an immensely powerful, state-of-the-art weapon. But there’s no denying that the product’s real USP is its future-proof capability.


“It’s always difficult to predict what’s around the corner, 但最好的供应商应该提供考虑到中长期部队可能需要的系统, by offering flexible solutions that can incorporate enhanced capabilities later down the line,Björn Bengtsson说, 他是Saab公司的业务管理总监.

本特松先生, 他之前在瑞典海军服役了15年, 对军队面临的不断变化的挑战并不陌生-他认为最好的导弹系统需要从一开始就创新, as well as easily upgradable to suit the pace of change in hardware and software.


“Many years ago, you bought a system and its capabilities were utterly defined by its hardware. 这意味着, if the hardware became outmoded midway through the missile’s life, there were very few things you could do to improve it. 在最好的情况下, you could do a few technical things to boost performance, and it might remain semi-modern for about 10 to 15 years, before being phased out after a total service life of 20 to 30 years.

Björn Bengtsson,业务管理总监

“In short, regular replacements were always crucial to the success and flexibility of forces. 但是今天, 现在情况已经不同了, 因为十大正规博彩网站评级正在不知疲倦地使用最新技术设计面向未来的导弹解决方案.”

米格尔Svensson, 他是十大正规博彩网站评级公司的业务管理总监, says the company is rising above modern challenges through a combination of research, 与客户紧密合作.

“用RBS15 Gungnir, 我们使用了最先进的硬件来创造一个我们相信具有无与伦比的未来增长能力的产品,他说.

“技术和架构设计允许硬件和软件升级,这甚至还不存在. This effectively means that Saab has had to predict tomorrow’s challenges, today.”



The nature of littoral conflicts is constantly changing, 许多国家的安全局势以及未来部队面临的潜在威胁也是如此.

“If we compare the situation we had 15 years ago to today, the global outlook is rapidly moving from asymmetric conflict towards symmetric threats,斯文森表示.

“当你突然面临这种冲突时——涉及一个势均力敌或更有能力的对手——你需要最好的系统才能成功. 许多部队过度依赖GPS或其他技术,而对称的对手可能会使用像你这样的干扰技术, and capable of countering the latest defensive innovations. This is why you need robust and reliable weapons at hand if all else fails; to provide effective defence through deterrence.”

Gungnir’s innovative features include a range of over 300 km, improved defence penetration and electronic protection. 它也有一个全天候目标导引头,允许操作员在复杂环境中处理渐进的威胁.


Saab公司已经被瑞典国防物资管理局精心挑选,交付RBS15 Gungnir作为瑞典国防军的综合能力.



“每一步, 客户已经接近行动,并参与整个设计和开发过程,斯文森表示.


“该产品建立在两套严格的要求之上——一套来自客户,另一套来自公司内部, incorporating Saab’s own innovative ideas and vision.”

Saab’s approach has helped the company to pinpoint future threats, anticipate compatibility issues and find ways of rising above contemporary design hurdles. The development of Gungnir has been a game-changing experience for the group, but the very nature of the product means that even more exciting challenges lie ahead.


斯文森, 谁有广泛的工程背景, 指出,十大正规博彩网站评级正面临着一个标志性的挑战,遇到了所有最好的创新者在任何领域-开发先进的技术系统,将整合现有的和目前未知的技术.

“确保客户得到一个高效的系统,而不局限于工厂硬件,这是十大正规博彩网站评级的基因,他说, 这是我们面临的最大挑战.”

“To ensure Gungnir’s technology doesn’t become outmoded, we will work side by side with users throughout the product’s ownership. The idea is to keep the development and innovation process continuous, 我们提供定期的更新和培训机会,而客户始终如一地传递他们对新功能的反馈和想法.”

“We’re talking hands-on support throughout the product’s 30-year life cycle,他说.


用RBS15 Gungnir, Saab has created an advanced missile solution fit for the future and beyond, backed by an outstanding maintenance support offering.

“Customers who purchase Gungnir aren’t just getting a missile, they’re getting membership into a comprehensive support network,Bengtsson先生说.

“作为顾客, they will have an opportunity to participate in the continual growth and evolution of Gungnir. 这完全取决于他们——他们可以充分享受这一体验,或者只是坐下来享受这段旅程,同时受益于世界领先的导弹系统, together with Saab’s commitment to innovation and unrivalled support.”




The RBS15 Mk3 is known in defence circles as the world’s leading anti-ship missile. 携带200公斤弹头, it can be launched from multiple platforms including trucks, 飞机和船舶, and it allows for true fire-and-forget operability in all weather conditions. 但是你对RBS15有多了解呢? 下面的事实可能会让你大吃一惊.

RBS15 Gungnir


沿海环境是崎岖不平的地形, 这会带来许多危险——比如坐月子, 杂乱和恶劣天气. 再加上最近的科技进步, 很明显,在这些环境中,我们正面临着不断演变和日益复杂的冲突情况. Forces must adapt or lose valuable people and assets. 
