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土地 Electronic Defence Systems (发光二极管)

土地 Electronic Defence Systems (发光二极管) is a cost-effective, 集成, 模块化, active protection system consisting of laser warning sensors, 主动防御控制器, human-machine-interface and an effector control segment.


led -50解决方案通过探测激光手段为作战人员提供重要的态势感知.
响应选项包括多光谱遮挡和第三方效应器的提示或集成, such as remote weapon stations or infrared jammers.


In today's complex and rapidly changing mission environments, 虽然交通工具至关重要, 他们也很脆弱. 有了led,你可以保护你的车辆和战斗人员,有效的态势感知引导威胁交战,以及快速有效的手段, fully automatic or manual deployment of countermeasures, 即使在动态条件下.

led是一个完全集成的, 模块化主动自我保护系统提供了真正的智能“盔甲”,确保在关键和敌对环境中增加安全操作所需的保护.


在危急情况下, when challenges and risks are at their greatest, the demands on your self-protection are also at its highest. 有了led,你会感到安全. 采用十大正规博彩网站评级公司成熟的传感器技术开发,在大量作战车辆上运行, 战舰,甚至是世界上最先进的战斗机之一——你可以相信它能提供卓越的态势感知, unrivalled survivability and the capability needed to maximise mission effectiveness.

如果检测到, 你可以依靠主动对抗系统的保护来减轻敌对交战中的风险,完成任务并离开交战区安全返回家园. 该产品系列基于最现代的技术,并建立在十大正规博彩网站评级30年来在绝对优势上成功开发土地自我保护系统的基础上.


在战斗车辆中集成先进的自我保护系统既复杂又苛刻. 然而, with a 发光二极管 self-protection solution from Saab, you pave the way for easy and successful integration.led包括完全集成和模块化的世界级保护系统,不仅可以加强您的报价, but also strengthen your customers ability to win. 

十大正规博彩网站评级在你身边, 您将获得开发完全符合最终用户需求的敏捷定制安装所需的所有支持和专业知识.

Active protection through intelligent soft kill

战争的性质发生了根本性的变化,通过其他手段保护资产以提高生存能力的理念也发生了同样的变化. 对即将到来的交战进行早期预警是避免伤亡的第一步,而自动反应是生存的关键. 增加装甲来提高乘员和装备的生存能力已经不够了. Clever and smarter means are needed to protect assets. 十大正规博彩网站评级的led -50智能软杀伤解决方案是一种主动保护系统,可满足未来部队保护的挑战.

led 50mk2 -激光探测

led -50 MK2旨在为机组人员提供与反装甲威胁相关的激光发射的至关重要的态势感知,并允许快速对策响应. It forms the basic building block of 发光二极管 and comprises an Active Defence Controller (ADC), and a number of laser warning sensors.

led -50通过使用四个具有固有抗反射能力的LWS-310激光警告传感器提供平台的360°方位覆盖. 半球形的报道 can be provided by adding an LWS-500 top attack sensor.


  • Enhanced survivability at low cost
  • Intelligent soft kill through automation
  • Modular and scalable, mission configurable
  • Easy integration with battle management systems, sensor suites and cueing effectors
  • General vehicle architecture interface compliant
  • Significant cost and weight saving compared to other means of protection
  • 半球形的报道
  • Soft kill dispenser is counter measure calibre and supplier agnostic
  • Customer Live fire tests have been conducted
  • It is International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), BAFO and ISP free


Threats evolve over time, and we cannot simply stand by and await their appearance. Anticipation must precede realisation. 这就是为什么十大正规博彩网站评级从不放慢脚步. By anticipating what comes next and continuously developing our self-protection systems, 以及发明新的, we make sure you can stay ahead and whenever new threats arise, your systems will be ready and able to identify and counter them.


十大正规博彩网站评级, 支持是我们系统交付的一个组成部分,也是使您的系统任务准备就绪并确保卓越运营的基础.
Our experts have solid experience in tailoring support services and finding
smart ways to provide support for every stage of the system’s lifecycle.

低生命周期成本, 高可用性, 最小的占地面积和智能升级能力,我们的适应性支持解决方案将帮助您维护
and develop your self-protection capabilities to counter any guided threat



that 发光二极管 is installed on Combat Vehicle 90/35 , Boxer and LAV-700?

  • Enhanced survivability at low cost
  • Modular and scalable, mission configurable
  • Easy integration with battle management systems, sensor suites and cueing effectors


Can't find the answer to your questions? 请不要犹豫与我们联系.


Hannes du Preez
市场营销 & 销售


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