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Controlling the Electromagnetic spectrum - creating air dominance

4 min read


电子战(EW)通常是指涉及使用电磁(EM)和定向能(DE)效应器的军事行动. Over decades, 现代电子战已经从简单干扰雷达和无线电通信系统的时代突飞猛进. Today, it is often perceived to be about sensing and seeing, deceiving and denying to ensure efficient mission survivability. However, 在未来高度竞争和快速变化的任务环境中, this, no longer may be true?

But let’s start from the beginning… in the fighter domain, EW is fundamentally split into three divisions:
• Electronic Protection (EP); includes actions taken to protect personnel, equipment and facilities from the effects of hostile, neutral or friendly use of EW, as well as naturally occurring phenomena that degrade, neutralize or destroy own combat capability.
• Electronic Attack (EA); involves use of EM energy, DE or anti-radiation weapons to attack personnel, equipment or facilities with the intent of degrading (suppressing), neutralizing or destroying enemy fighting capability.
• Electronic Support (ES); refers to actions to search for, intercept, 识别和定位辐射源,以便立即识别威胁, targeting, planning and conduct of future operations.

现代雷达和防空系统在操作上越来越灵活. Through the use of the latest technologies, agile networking and new adaptive operating methods, 当今的战斗机飞行员面临着极其复杂和多变的信号环境. 这意味着现代作战单位及其电子战能力的要求非常高. 克服这些挑战的一种方法是利用网络战, where sensors and systems, both on-board and on other platforms, work collaboratively. 这使得电子战任务以全新和有效的方式执行,从对手的角度来看是不可预测的. The automated information exchange, 在鹰狮E上结合了高度进化的人机协作(HMC), 提供决定性的信息优势,确保在战斗的每一刻采取正确的行动. As a result, the system guarantees unique situational awareness, optimized survivability and lethality and, maximized mission success for every mission.

Quadrant reciever and transmitter.
Quadrant receiver and transmitter.
Missile approach warner.
Missile approach warner.

Enhanced Electronic Protection, Electronic Attack and ISTAR Capability

鹰狮电子战系统通过最大限度地利用尖端技术和应用来提供电子保护. 它提供完整的360度球面宽光谱覆盖,从而为每架鹰狮E提供一个电子盾牌, delivering survivability in highly contested environments. The system works seamlessly with the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS), BOL dispenser and other passive & active counter-measures.

鹰狮E强大的电子战系统可以用于进攻性的电子攻击任务. A combination of internal and external jamming resources, tailored radar features, as well as air launched decoys are used, to counter, prevent and confuse any threat, significantly eliminating the adversary’s combat ability from long range. 鹰狮电子对抗(ECM)系统可以有效地抑制和显著降低任何对手的传感器和武器系统探测, tracking and targeting abilities.


鹰狮E电子支援能力是通过高度集成使用AESA雷达而产生的, RWR and its electronic signal measurement capabilities, to detect, identify and locate all sources of radiated EM energy. This enables full combat intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, 鹰狮E上的侦察(战斗ISTAR)能力为所有合作的友军提供非常宝贵的支持.

As a result of the above and Gripen E’s open architecture, 先进的软件方法/技术和飞行和任务关键功能的功能划分, 随着新威胁的出现和新技术的发展,“鹰狮”被设计为易于适应,因为新的能力可以迅速引入系统. 这将确保“鹰狮”E在整个平台生命周期内的持续作战相关性,并为“鹰狮”E提供所有必要的能力来控制电磁频谱,并在未来几十年的高威胁环境中提供空中优势.

注意:第一代十大正规博彩网站评级雷达报警器是在60多年前冷战期间安装在Saab 32 Lansen上的. As pioneers in Electronic Warfare, Saab philosophy has always been to invest in innovative technologies to detect, deceive and counter threats in the smartest possible ways.