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部署. 生存. 赢得.

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鹰狮战斗机系统的存在是为了保证战争时期的空中优势. Sweden’s operational requirements for Gripen were driven by a superpower threat of all-out conflict across air, 陆地和海洋. This simple statement hides the highest possible objective; national survival. 结果是十大正规博彩网站评级的战斗机在设计的每一个环节都是威胁驱动的, 而且非常独特. 

鹰狮的关键作战系统包括先进的传感器组合, 电子战, 数据链和武器. 支持这些基本功能, 但往往看不见, 其他关键因素,如战斗机的硬件架构, 软件设计, cockpit interfaces and intelligent onboard systems; all fully-integrated to deliver powerful human machine collaboration (HMC) support for the pilot.


但令人印象深刻的技术被证明是不可靠的, 僵化的, 设计不良, poorly constructed or just too expensive to use has increasingly become the defining feature of many other fighters today. 瑞典从来没有过现在花钱看以后结果如何的奢侈. 战斗机每次都需要第一次工作. 

Gripen builds on Saab’s decades-long heritage of designing and delivering fighters that are not only superior to the enemy but that will fly and fight reliably and effectively every time they are needed, 在持续的冲突中, 在最恶劣的条件下. 

This philosophy of survivability and effectiveness is embedded in Gripen’s DNA and is what sets it apart from any other rival. 鹰狮可以用最少的资源提供最大的空中力量. 它可以快速轻松地部署到您能想到的几乎任何操作位置, 而且从不被束缚在长长的跑道或昂贵的基地上. 这一瑞典设计原则同样适用于世界上任何地方的任何用户. 今天,空军比以往任何时候都更需要能够进行部署, 开展并维持这场战斗——但很少有人真正做好了这样做的准备. 


在紧张时期, 当威胁等级上升的时候, a small Gripen unit can deploy away from its regular base to provide an agile quick reaction alert (QRA). This deployed force is automatically less vulnerable to surprise attack and can operate closer to expected areas of enemy activity.


分布在全国各地, a group of three Gripens can maintain 24-hour availability with two aircraft standing on alert and one on standby. 任务是为临时通知的“阿尔法紧急行动”做好准备。.
在阿尔法紧急状态下,战士们全副武装,能够应对任何侵略. “布拉沃紧急行动”是一项训练任务,旨在练习阿尔法紧急行动. 这个培训对QRA的熟练程度和, 取决于威胁级别, 它们是QRA部署的一部分. 

支援3架18号鹰狮战机的人员:4名飞行员, 六个技术人员, 六个义务兵, 2名后勤人员. 部署在小型停机坪跑道或公路基地, 设施简陋, 这个小组将工作12个小时, 休息12小时. 

Operating as a QRA force the Gripens can deliver four armed sorties per day or approximately eight hours in the air.  为此,战斗机每天将需要大约12立方米的燃料.

支援车辆包括一辆加油卡车, a fire tender plus spare parts and ground equipment deployed in one standard 20-ft container (or equivalent).
鹰狮团队带来了可部署的通信系统, 在最佳条件下, a system like Saab’s 部署able Digital Tower (r-TWR 部署able) can be used for additional air traffic control.

Gripen’s ability to deploy over long distances with modest support and then sustain armed alert missions for weeks and months has been routinely demonstrated during numerous NATO 空气 Policing deployments by the Czech and Hungarian 空气 Forces. 


In time of war the ‘simple’ peacetime models of operations would be transformed to an entirely new level. In the first stages of a conflict Gripens would likely be required to conduct Defensive Counter 空气 missions i.e. 战斗机对抗攻击的空军. 对于这个, a large force would be deployed to their concealed dispersed operating locations; small tarmac airfields or road bases.  Main operating bases and larger secondary airfields would not be available – they having been either attacked, 或者即将被攻击. 


一支典型的战斗部队可能包括14架鹰狮战斗机和两架备用战斗机. With these aircraft each operational day (a 24-hour cycle worked in shifts) could produce about 112 sorties, 每架飞机8个,飞行时间超过200小时.
对人员的要求也相应提高. Full-scale combat operations with these 14+2 aircraft require around 100 people; 32 pilots, 32个技术人员, 40个义务兵和4个后勤人员都是12小时一班. 

Fuel consumption increases as do the support requirements but together with more weapons handling equipment the essential needs of the unit can still be supplied with two 20-ft containers. 

Ideally a mobile base operations system like Saab’s 部署able 空气craft Maintenance (DAM) facility would be used to fill in for the lack of existing infrastructure at the operating location. The DAM can be rapidly relocated to a new base whenever the fighter force itself has to redeploy. 同样的, the deployable Digital Tower can fill the gaps left by enemy attacks on fixed infrastructure.

*The operational models noted here use verified long-term data from established Gripen C operations