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One major drawback of multispectral camouflage systems is that they neutralise not only enemy radar waves, 还有有用的无线电和GPS信号. 现在, Saab’s business unit Barracuda is rewriting the rule book with a camouflage system that manages hostile radar waves while allowing users full access to radio communication and GPS.

Ground, air and satellite-based radar systems represent a major threat to deployed armed forces. 通过识别雷达反射物体, 比如坦克, 卡车和飞机, 他们剥夺了部队的掩护和出其不意的因素.

Advanced camouflage solutions like Saab’s ULCAS static nets can neutralise this threat thanks to materials that attenuate or weaken radar pulses. But up until now there has been one distinct drawback: the radar attenuating materials in multispectral nets not only neutralise radar waves but also the radio waves used for voice communication and GPS.

从无人机上观察十大正规博彩网站评级的Barracuda ULCAS
十大正规博彩网站评级的Barracuda ULCAS
“Modern combat situations can evolve rapidly and it’s essential that deployed troops stay in touch”
Johan Jersblad博士,高级开发工程师

“如果你在传统的多频谱网络下,你想使用无线电进行通信, you generally need to place your antenna outside the net in order to get past the broad spectrum protection and to get a signal,约翰·杰斯布拉德博士说, 十大正规博彩网站评级业务部门Barracuda的高级开发工程师. 这样做的时候, 你有暴露在敌人面前的危险, 这并不理想, 特别是当你在进行前方侦察时. 使用GPS的情况下, 你可能需要把整个GPS装置放在网外, 这样你就更容易暴露.”

现在, a game-changing innovation from Saab´s business unit Barracuda is about to radically alter the situation. 被称为频率选择表面系统或FSS, the solution allows users of specially produced ULCAS nets to make full use of radio and GPS systems while remaining fully concealed.


“Modern combat situations can evolve rapidly and it’s essential that deployed troops stay in touch,杰斯布拉德说. “Meanwhile GPS is vital for providing coordinates when you are coordinating air strikes from the ground. 与FSS系统为我们的梭鱼ULCAS系统, you can have full access to both these resources without reducing your level of signature management.”


Jersblad explains the challenge with conventional multispectral nets is that enemy radar systems, 无线电通信和GPS都依赖于电磁波. The materials used to attenuate radar waves in conventional multispectral nets not only block common radar frequencies but a wide spectrum of radio waves.

在接到潜在客户的询问后, we began exploring the potential for nets that focused on specifically absorbing the higher frequency electromagnetic waves used by radar systems rather than a broader spectrum,他说. “The result of this work is a camouflage system where the radar attenuating material is arranged in a lattice pattern. The size and shape of the pattern absorbs high-frequency radar waves but allows radio waves to pass easily through.”


通过这项研究生产的ULCAS FSS网与我们传统的ULCAS网非常相似. 看着它, 你无法发现带有FSS的ULCAS网络和普通网络之间的区别 ,杰斯布拉德说. “它们的外观和重量相同,并且具有相同的视觉和热性能. 但在不冒暴露风险的情况下进行沟通方面,两者有很大的不同.”

The new nets represent a major step up from previous attempts to address the radio blackout problem. These include installing radio windows in the netting that were both inconvenient to use and negatively affected signature management.


Saab was at an advantage in developing the system thanks to its broad range of internal competences and wide-ranging knowledge of defence applications. 例如, input was received by Saab engineers working with radomes – protective covers for jet fighter radar systems that allow for the selective absorption of certain radar signals. “Experts from the radome team were able to help doing calculations and performing simulations to create the best pattern solution,杰斯布拉德说.


The FSS system is currently undergoing final testing with a view to it being released to the market during 2023. Exhaustive field tests have al读y established its effectiveness at letting useful electromagnetic spectrums in, 同时把不受欢迎的拒之门外.

“看过它的顾客已经留下了深刻的印象,”杰斯布拉德说. “One customer said they had left such a feature out of the specifications for their camouflage nets because they didn’t think it was possible. Another customer said they had previously sacrificed radar protection in their camouflage so they could maintain their ability to communicate freely. 有了ULCAS FSS,他们不再需要选择一个或另一个.”

While the initial application of the FSS system is to keep out radar signals while allowing radio waves to pass through, 其他结果可以通过改变模式设计来实现. “例如, 通过改变模式, 我们可以屏蔽通信无线电波,让雷达波通过,杰斯布拉德说. “如果你有雷达在网下工作,这可能会很有用.”



将于2023年发布的ULCAS FSS系列将迷彩提升到了一个新的水平. A built-in low-pass filter allows electromagnetic waves for communication and GPS to pass through, 同时抵消最常见的雷达波长.


The Ultra-Lightweight Camouflage Screen (ULCAS) is the flagship of Saab’s Barracuda camouflage range. It is designed to camouflage deployed assets ranging from groups of personnel to static vehicles and command posts. 模式, 颜色和3D结构用来模仿周围地形的背景, while special pigments help the system to avoid detection by near infrared and short-wave infrared sensors. 它还可以防御1-100 GHz范围内的雷达侦察和寻的导弹.




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