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从混合现实到超逼真的虚拟环境, 未来的军事训练将会更好地为士兵做好战斗准备. 

在不太遥远的将来,一支地面作战部队正在战场上与敌人交战. 当他瞄准武器向敌人射击时, 一枚迫击炮弹在他的右侧爆炸,一架喷气式战斗机在头顶呼啸而过. 


但并不是所有的事情都像它看起来的那样. 这是一个模拟训练,虽然士兵和风景是真实的, 迫击炮弹和喷射弹是计算机生成的. They look and sound like the real thing thanks to a sophisticated headset the soldier and his teammates are wearing as they undergo combat training.


虽然这种情况目前还不可能大规模出现,但可能不会太遥远. The techniques used to prepare troops for the battlefield are evolving as  new technologies and equipment types become available. 一个可能的结果是,培训将变得更加现实, so that soldiers face fewer surprises when they eventually find themselves facing real enemies.


今天已经, 高级军事训练, 就像十大正规博彩网站评级提供的那样, 依赖于各种复杂的技术. 我们的 虚拟武器训练师 例如,对于室内使用,创建战场场景的逼真描述. Soldiers undergoing such training are provided with accurately-weighted representations of real weapons. 压缩空气用于模拟射击过程中的任何后坐力, and interactive video screens show computer-generated images of different combat settings and enemies. 当用户向屏幕“开火”时, 训练计算机将飞行时间等变量考虑在内, 气温和风, 所有这些都有助于确定每次射击是命中还是未命中.


类似的, our advanced laser-based set-up for live training exercises brings together technologies that accurately replicate the ballistic properties of real rounds. Soldiers carry real weapons loaded with blanks and fitted with a device on the barrel that emits a coded laser. 扣动扳机会激活激光. 所有 participants in such exercises wear sensors on their helmets and vests that detect when a laser from the barrel of a fired weapon has hit them. 陀螺仪和计算机被用来考虑旅行距离等变量, gravity and the movement of the target in determining whether each shot fired would have met its target under real conditions.

在装有电子瞄准器的武器中, 比如坦克和反坦克武器, 虚拟元素已经可以作为培训的一部分. A computer can be used to generate obstacles and opponents that are uploaded into the sight and to which the user must respond.

The choice of different technologies in live simulation is often debated and the opinions can be strong to support various viewpoints. 这个问题不需要是其中之一,而是最适合目的. 十大正规博彩网站评级现场训练解决方案, 玩家, 技术是不可知论者吗, 这意味着激光和其他技术,比如地理配对, 可以使用GPS和其他技术. This leads to the possibility to support different engagement types and include e g artillery and combat support. 技术本身并不是最重要的, 关键是需要模拟什么,以及实现它的最佳方式是什么. 最重要的是高保真度, realistic training and objective feedback is delivered at a pace of relevance with the aim to improve training outcomes and deliver confident soldiers.  


今后,这种体验可能会扩展到地面上的士兵. 增强现实耳机的发展, 比如微软的全息透镜, 现在承诺提供更复杂和逼真的培训体验.

The HoloLens consists of a pair of goggles with a transparent display screen connected to a cushioned headband and mini speakers. 当使用者透过护目镜看时, 3D图像可以生成,似乎与他们的真实环境融为一体. 匹配的声音可以通过迷你扬声器播放. 以这种方式, a combination of real and virtual experiences can be achieved – a state that is sometimes called ‘mixed reality’.

While there are currently computing-power and weight-and-size limitations for using such technology for complex, multi-soldier练习, 这些问题最终可能会得到解决. Imagine a system where pilots in flight simulators ‘fly’ over a real battlefield and engage their enemy. 而飞行员在现实生活中仍然在地面上, the ground troops on the battlefield wearing headsets ‘see’ the aircraft fly over and hear their roar. 或者坦克, 由远程模拟器中的驾驶员操控, 出现在战场上,可以使用肩射武器“摧毁”. 这种系统还可以用来“改变”训练的地形, 将其从农村转移到城市, 例如.


Another way in which training systems are likely to evolve is by harvesting and analysing more data. One example of how this might be useful relates to biometric data collected from individual soldiers. 目前,传感器可用于监测心率等生命体征, 呼吸率, 血压和体温. Analysis of this data in the future is likely to provide insights into the kinds of situations in which individual soldiers become stressed and less clear thinking. 这些知识有助于持续的培训, 提高每个士兵对压力的反应和在战斗中取得成功的能力. 数据的另一个用途是广泛分析战斗策略, 识别弱点和长处. 十大正规博彩网站评级的系统已经允许进行广泛的战后分析, 但这方面还有巨大的发展潜力, 产生进一步的见解.


与此同时, increased computing power and the continued emergence of AI are likely to see further increases in the realism of virtual environments and the behaviour of virtual opponents. 就像电脑游戏近年来在现实主义方面呈指数级增长一样, 的背景, 虚拟训练器中的地形和敌人都在不断进化. 在未来的岁月里, it may be hard to discern the computer generated world created by a virtual trainer from the real thing.

新一代移动网络也将产生影响. 在没有移动网络的地方进行复杂的现场训练, Saab currently deploys a system known as the data acquisition network (DAN) for critical data and mixing it with commercial networks. 这使得收集和分析每个参与者的立场信息成为可能, 发射过的各种武器, 谁被击中了. 随着民用网络的扩展和普及, 在偏远地区进行培训将变得更加容易. 更高的数据速度将允许复杂的练习和更多的数据收集.

所有 these advances in technology mean that by the time the soldier of the future arrives at the battlefield, 他们将准备好采取行动,并能够迅速落地.