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Saab Global

Confident and battlefield ready

6 min read + Video

Thanks to today’s advanced training systems, 现代士兵在第一次与敌人交战之前很久就能获得战斗老兵的经验.

有句老话说,再多的训练也不能让一个士兵为他们第一次参加战场做好准备. The belief is that the confronting sounds, smells and sensations of combat are so far removed from ordinary life that, at best, new soldiers will be overwhelmed and make poor decisions. At worst, they might end up in a quivering mess on the floor.

Thankfully, it’s a concept that is both outdated and inaccurate. There’s no question that combat is a highly challenging experience. 但是,只要有适当的准备,各级士兵都能学会在炮火下保持头脑清醒. 秘密在于现实训练,使部队适应他们在战场上将遇到的各种感觉和决策情况. 当他们落地时,知道会发生什么以及如何表现会让个人对自己的能力充满信心, in their weapons and in the comrades around them. And that all makes for a greater chance of mission success.


So, what kinds of training experiences can create this battlefield readiness? And how do they contribute to developing confident soldier?

For true combat readiness, three of the most important factors are: realistic combat training scenarios, accurately functioning training weapons, and preparation for battle’s sensory experiences.

Realistic battle scenarios

向静止的目标射击实弹是一项很有用的技能. But for building battle confidence, nothing beats a live-training exercise. 士兵们被部署到现实世界的场景中,并被分成对立的部队, such as red and blue armies. Carrying weapons loaded with blanks, they must contend with not only the ‘enemy’ but different terrains, obstacles and weather conditions. To survive and succeed, they need to collaborate with their peers, follow orders, execute strategies and engage and neutralise their opposition. Just like a real battle. The more often troops train and develop these skills, the more automatic using them becomes, and the greater confidence individual soldiers feel.


自20世纪70年代末以来,激光制导训练系统已用于协助这一过程. Soldiers wear sensors on their helmets and vests, and laser emitting devices are fitted to the barrels of their guns. When they pull the trigger on their weapons, 空枪弹发射后,一束编码激光向枪管指向的方向发射. In this way, 对敌人的打击和失误可以被评估,士兵可以从他们的成功和错误中学习. 

Accurately functioning training weapons

Confidence in one’s weapon comes from understanding its range, its capabilities and what is needed to achieve an accurate shot. 这样,士兵就知道他或她可以承担什么样的风险,以及哪些策略是可行的. 不幸的是,并不是所有的激光训练系统都能提供这种信心. 世界上最强大的武装部队的一些分支继续使用老式的训练系统,只要士兵扣动扳机时武器对准敌人的传感器,就会记录下对敌人的“打击”. Incredibly, 这种系统假定子弹和其他子弹可以以光速飞行, 在几微秒内不受重力和风的影响跑到敌人面前几百米. 没有人注意到敌人可能在炮弹到达之前就已经行动了.


Solutions like Saab’s BT46 two-way ballistic laser technology, with it’s latest generation Compact Ballistic Laser (CBL) on the other hand, are able to deliver a far more accurate weapons experience. Our offering has the same convenience as other laser systems but, 多亏了陀螺仪和计算机,我们才能够计算出每一发子弹的真实弹道, factoring in variables such as flight time, wind direction, temperature and the movement of the target. 只有当士兵或炮手正确地考虑到这些变量时,才会记录“命中”. This means soldiers can have full confidence in their training.

The advantage of two-way simulation laser

Weapon munitions do not fly with the speed of light. Its weight, ballistics effects and the weather all effects its trajectory. To offer realistic training, while still using laser technology, Saab uses advanced technology to simulate weapon behavior. Keeping military training as close to reality as possible.

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该系统的另一个优点是可以在训练期间和之后提取数据. In this way, 士兵们可以发现他们在哪里成功了,在哪里失败了,并从错误中吸取教训. 类似的分析可以在班、科、排等级别上进行.

Realistic sensory experiences 

Battlefields are typically full of intense sensory experiences. Depending on the situation, troops will be exposed to noises including the retorts of their own rifles, the back blast of their shoulder-fired weapons, exploding enemy shells, aircraft roaring overhead, and potentially the screams of wounded civilians and comrades. Bullets from enemy small arms fire may be continually whizzing past. 燃烧的车辆和建筑物经常散发出强烈的气味,有时还有腐烂的尸体. Light and dark smoke and fog and mist can obscure vision.


要想在战场上获得真正的信心,就意味着要事先让他们体验这些感官体验. In this way, they can take them in their stride.

十大正规博彩网站评级提供了一系列解决方案,以帮助在现场训练场景中实现这种脱敏. When assisting in the coordination to exercises, we can pump in smokes of different colours into the battlefield, creating a new variable for soldiers to address. Battle smells can also be pumped such as burning rubber and plastic. 单兵枪里的空包弹模仿了实弹的反作用.
For live-fire training exercises where real ammunition is used, our mechanical targets can mimic the sounds and sights of return fire, reminding participants to always seek cover. 我们室内使用的虚拟武器训练员也努力实现最高程度的感官真实感. Pressurised air is used to simulate the recoil of the weapons.


In summary, 今天,没有必要让士兵们毫无准备地投入战斗,面对等待着他们的感官和情感体验. Through the use of advanced, realistic training techniques, soldiers of all levels can arrive at their first battle, both experienced and battle-hardened.