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4分钟 读

When things get serious, real-time information is crucial for being able to make the right decisions. 在当今日益复杂和快速变化的任务环境中, 意识, 正如我们所知, 只能提供部分谜题. 为了真正理解正在发生的事情,意识需要进化. Here you can 读 more about how the unique sensor suite of Saab´s GlobalEye 空气borne Early Warning & 控制(AEW&C)将意识提升为洞察力.

在当今日益具有挑战性的任务环境中, 响应时间很短,而且, 一如既往地, 没有犯错的余地. 威胁, 它们是对称的还是不对称的, 都在不断发展, 适应, 变得越来越智能,越来越难以察觉. Demands on the systems that nations rely on to create 意识 and to counter these threats are extremely high. 为了保持领先,它们不仅需要探测的能力, 在更大范围和多领域内识别和跟踪更广泛的对象, 他们还需要提供正确的信息, to the right assets – giving them the time they need to make right decisions and take the proper actions.


这就是全球之眼机载预警系统 & 控制(AEW&答案C. 作为最现代、最先进的预警机&C解决方案目前在市场上可用, 它不仅保证了一个国家的空气质量, 海上和地面部队可以从拥有一个共同的, 准确可靠的情景描述. 它也将提供一个更高层次的意识.

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GlobalEye gives the customer the unique advantage of a multi-role solution capable of airborne, 海上和地面监视, 还有信号情报, 同时. “全球眼”还能够在正在进行的任务中切换任务. 所有 this in one single platform that would normally require separate platforms to accomplish.

“全球眼”的核心是一个任务系统,一个多域指挥系统 & 控制(C2)系统的实时信息, 以及最先进的远程空中传感器套件, 海, 土地监控. GlobalEye also incorporates a range of communication systems that fully connects it to other platforms and command centres.


GlobalEye’s mix of modern active and passive sensors provides the ability to 同时 detect and track large numbers of objects – in the air, 在海上和陆地上. 事实上, 通过这种方式组合传感器, GlobalEye can detect all kinds of airborne targets – from ordinary aircraft types of all shapes and sizes to fighters, 巡航导弹和直升机. It also provides a significantly improved ability to detect smaller objects even from great distances. 这是检测和识别新的关键优势, 低可观测飞行物和不对称威胁.

独特的传感器套件为GlobalEye提供了无与伦比的灵活性. GlobalEye’s inherent flexibility can also maximize the value of regular peacetime operations, enabling the platform to watch coastal and land borders while at the same time maintaining the recognized air picture in its role as an airborne early warning and control asset.


GlobalEye’s powerful sensor suite gives greater airspace coverage and enables earlier detection and identification of threats. 对于一名空军指挥官来说,这是至关重要的. 这意味着更多的时间来决定和行动, which in turn means a better chance of maintaining air supremacy and staying ahead of the opponent. 海军 and army commanders can take comfort from the knowledge that GlobalEye can provide them with situational 意识 beyond their own sensors and provide positive identification of naval threats by utilizing on-board EOS/IOS imaging and strategic ground moving target indication (GMTI) over areas of interest.



成功完成任务不仅需要有探测和跟踪目标的能力, but also the ability to rapidly fuse and analyse massive quantities of data and turn it into accurate and highly reliable, 实时信息和决策支持. “环球眼”将多个传感器和复杂的数据融合在一起, in an intuitive mission system that can process vast amounts of data and analyze and disseminate it in an automated and efficient way, 会缩短从发现到行动的时间吗.


全球之眼预警系统&C surveillance solution is uniquely composed to bring every asset involved in an operation precisely the information they need to fulfil their part of the mission successfully. 如上所述, being aware of what is happening around you is not enough in today’s challenging mission environment. 迎接挑战, you need to be able to create 意识 at a level that brings certainty and insight into decisions and actions.

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使用GlobalEye独特的传感器套件, advanced airborne management capabilities and real-time information for full operational 读iness from a single platform – GlobalEye will provide that higher level of 意识 and make insight a key asset in the nation’s air power.



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