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When being silent speaks louder than words

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Rapid technological advances creates challenges for all aspects of our society; defence is no exception. The modern battlefield has shown that the electromagnetic dimension is more critical than ever. In this increasingly contested and congested environment, it is a difficult undertaking to provide situational 意识 to tactical operations. So, how do you meet such a challenge without compromising the need to remain undetected and the ability to deploy with speed and agility? 这就是.

The solution is to use passive 监测 - sensors that are completely silent and don’t emit signals, but which can detect and geo-locate electromagnetic signals that others emit. 无源传感器并不是什么新鲜事物. 而是一个契约, man-portable system with the ability to support tactical operations at every level, 是一些全新的东西.



这种模块化, 可伸缩的, passive sensor meets 监测 challenges across all levels of tactical operations. 无声探测, classification and prioritisation of radar and datalink emissions, it broadens the sensing horizon and significantly enhances situational 意识 in tactical missions. 由于其独特的低尺寸, 重量和功率(SWAP), it facilitates rapid deployment – where you want it, 当你想要的时候.


Much of the equipment that military units use for communication, 监测, 目标捕获发射信号. Regardless of whether they come from datalinks, 无线电或雷达设备, signals always tell a story and reveal that something is in progress.


Is it a threat, something that can develop into a threat, or is it something completely benign? 小天狼星紧凑 provides the answers and gives the advantage of being able to 读 and understand whatever “story” is being revealed.


Typically passive sensors have been applied to larger platforms such as aircraft and ships, 或者作为固定装置. 小天狼星紧凑, 另一方面, 轻型单兵便携吗, installation and datalink agnostic sensor; which enables easy integration with drones, 车辆, 船舶及桅杆. Agile applications that are also easy to hide in plain sight.

Rapid deployment, straight into action

小天狼星紧凑 is designed for easy and widesp读 deployment across all Electronic Warfare operations, bringing flexible passive sensing to all tactical levels. 例如, imagine a reconnaissance team driving their vehicle to the top of a hill offering a good overview of the surroundings. With 小天狼星紧凑 mounted on an elevated mast or deployed on a lightweight tripod, the sensor 网络 can quickly be established. 应该检测到信号吗, say from a radar somewhere in the far distance, the system will quickly determine which direction the signal is coming from through high-precision Direction 找到ing, 它是什么,它的位置.

From single sensor to 网络 operations

小天狼星紧凑 can be operated as a stand-alone unit or as part of a 网络 with several sensors in action. By own platform movement or interfacing to additional sensors, 比如无人机, it is possible to determine the exact position of a signal by means of triangulation. 这意味着天狼星契约, in addition to providing valuable early warning capabilities, also supports Ground Based 空气 Defence (GBAD) units with precise and accurate target information.

No sensitive data stored in the sensor

小天狼星紧凑 is designed to operate autonomously and allow for assimilation and compilation of situational 意识 information – without storing any sensitive data in the sensor. This means that if a sensor is captured, no sensitive data is lost or at risk of falling into the wrong hands. As a complementing resource to other active or passive sensors, 小天狼星紧凑 brings a powerful and competitive Electronic Warfare capability to the tactical arena.


无声检测的能力, classify and prioritise radar and datalink emissions not only supports units directly involved in a specific operation; it also provides vital information to the overall situational picture and thus improve Armed Forces early warning capabilities as well as its ability to locate threats 同时不被发现 for a longer time.

Latest member of the Sirius sensor family

小天狼星紧凑 is the latest member in the Sirius passive sensor family. A high-performance sensor providing game-changing capabilities to tactical operations. 小天狼星家族已经证明了, innovative and 网络ed passive sensor systems offer a complete synergistic capability for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance – beyond the scope of individual sensors. 今天, these systems provide Armed Forces and Intelligence Services around the world with the silent power required to turn signals into knowledge, 同时不被发现.

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