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Saab Global


4 min read

To see beyond the Earths curvature, you need to be high up in the air to get a wide coverage. 在那么高的地方对你的装备有要求. You need a long-range radar and a wide array of sensors to paint a comprehensive and correct picture of the areas of concern. And not less important, you want to be able stay high up in the air for long periods of time to get a persistent situational awareness.

然而,由于地球的曲率,雷达只能在一条直线上“看到”. That´s why radar systems are usually installed in high places so it can cover a larger area and overcome the Earth´s curvature. This enables you to move the radar horizon much further away than is possible with ground-based radar systems on land or sea, 让你看得更远.

That´s why Saab has developed long-range airborne surveillance systems for more than 30 years,  systems that give early warning as well as detailed and reliable real-time information on what has been observed and detected. Early detection and control is vital for deploying the right countermeasures and it is certainly a substantial tactical upside when you can observe without being seen.



GlobalEye´s Erieye Extended Range (ER) radar is a new generation long-range airborne surveillance radar, providing simultaneous air, sea and land surveillance. 这是Saab不断发展Erieye概念的结果, increasing the detection range by 70 per cent against ‘stealthy’ low observable air targets. 在远距离探测低可观测的空中目标并不容易. 它需要一个大雷达,一个大功率的大天线. Erieye ER基于GaN技术,可实现所需的高功率. 这也是我们在三个领域获得超长距离性能的原因.

Erieye ER radar is built on multi-channel AESA sensors where the scanning direction is steered electronically and also enables higher output power to increase the range performance. 远程空中监视具有独特的速度, 在空中提供信息的范围和灵活性, sea and land.

Multi-domain advantage

今天的威胁存在于各个领域. 一个任务可以从一个领域的监视开始,然后在另一个领域继续进行. “全球之眼”是一个多域机载预警系统 & control (AEW&C) solution. 它混合了现代主动和被动传感器, 它提供超远程探测和识别空中物体, at sea and over land. The situational awareness and the ability to take on multiple roles at the same time is made possible by GlobalEye’s unique sensor suite and modern command and control system.

To safeguard people and nations, you need the ability to provide persistent early warning and timely trusted information over multiple domains. 这正是“全球之眼”的空中预警和控制(AEW)&C)提供——创造多领域优势的关键能力.


Key to awareness

信息是任何国家国防的关键. Whatever the challenge is, decisions and actions need to be driven by information; this is what enables command and control. 在“环球眼”的指挥控制系统中,大量的数据被融合在一起, 这为不同层次的决策者创造了态势感知. It is important for decision makers to have the correct and timely information rather than every single detail. Having an airborne surveillance solution like GlobalEye in the network maximises joint forces’ operational performance. An airborne ultra-long range sensor system can warn and command other sensors in the network and through this extend the time for planning and implementation of countermeasures.

The advanced Erieye ER (Extended Range) radar is the primary sensor of GlobalEye and providing simultaneous air, sea and ground surveillance. Enhancing the radar detection range gives more airspace coverage and earlier detection and identification of threats. 更多的时间来决定和采取行动意味着更有可能维持制空权.

Strategic national asset

无论在和平时期操作, in crisis or maybe even at full conflict – having the GlobalEye is key to success since it provides a great advantage to any nation protecting its national and territorial integrity. “全球眼”可以单独运作,也可以与其他国有资产轻松整合. You will have a joint air, sea and land platform that can also be used during natural disasters such as forest fires and search and rescue operations.

Saab is well renowned for being a supplier of state-of-the art sensor systems for several decades and is a pioneer in the area of long-range airborne early warning radars since more than 30 years. With GlobalEye, Saab has redefined the long-range airborne surveillance market with a new level of multi-mission capability.