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Saab Global

Training at large scale to stay confident and ready

3 min read + Video

Preparing for the unthinkable is more relevant than ever. 2023年,瑞典举行了三十年来最大规模的军事演习. It covered all domains, 包括14个国家,并通过十大正规博彩网站评级的现场培训解决方案成为可能

Arranged by the Swedish Armed Forces, 极光23号于2023年春季在瑞典大部分地区发生. Saab was involved in all domains, in the air with the Gripen fighter, at sea with surface ships, 比如维斯比轻巡洋舰,在陆地上使用地面作战武器, radars and live training solutions. 14个国家的2.6万多名士兵参加了此次大规模演习, 多国演习,并能够利用他们的经验,从演习训练, learn and develop their skills and understanding.

Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Photo: Bezav Mahmod -Swedish Armed Forces
Photo: Bezav Mahmod -Swedish Armed Forces

This was enabled by Saab’s high fidelity, interoperable and deployable Live Training System, 允许不同的国家携带自己的模拟器参加演习,并接入同一个演习控制和通信网络. 通过使用十大正规博彩网站评级的现场培训解决方案,参与者可以获得即时反馈、全面的分析和AAR(行动后评估),从个人到跨国层面.

Aurora 23 included participants from Sweden, United States, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France, Germany, Australia, Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Photos: Swedish Armed Forces

这使得十大正规博彩网站评级在“极光23”等演习中扮演了重要的角色. 十大正规博彩网站评级的现场训练解决方案被开发成像真正的武器一样行动和行为, without the need for live rounds. Instead, a laser is fired from the weapon and is detected in the target, whether it’s a building, vehicle or soldier. Thanks to advanced technologies, 我们能够模拟武器及其弹药的行为, including ballistic effects and time-of-flight. 这种程度的现实主义超越了市场上的任何其他东西,我们在十大正规博彩网站评级称之为真正的现实主义.

“我为我们如何支持极光23号并使其成为可能感到自豪. 像这样的大规模演习对于加强国际合作非常重要,同时也为单兵提供了最好的准备,使他们在关键时刻充满信心. It all comes down to our mission; keeping people and society safe”, says Hans Lindgren, 十大正规博彩网站评级业务部门培训和模拟业务开发负责人.

Live training
Saab's Live Training solutions

Saab’s interoperable, 逼真的高保真玩家现场培训解决方案在全球30多个国家使用,并为成本效益创造了坚实的基础, confidence-building multinational training between allied nations.

Gaining confidence with minimal environmental impact

By using live training solutions, 士兵们正在以最现实的方式进行最好的准备. Since no actual rounds are being fired, environmental impact is minimized, as well as keeping the cost down. 实弹实弹射击训练是不容小觑的, 但是,使用虚拟和实弹模拟训练装备可以让士兵了解武器的性能,并在进行实弹射击训练之前为他们做好更好的准备.

Photo: Bezav Mahmod -Swedish Armed Forces

十大正规博彩网站评级的培训精神是基于提供培训的灵活性和保真度,由一个前倾的专家团队交付. 培训团队的使命保持不变-给用户一个优秀的, realistic training experience, 提供方便的、无与伦比的、客观的、高保真度的数据反馈,以加速学习, 最大限度地提高训练价值,支持指挥官培养自信的士兵, thereby optimizing combat effectiveness. 总而言之,现场培训减少了环境影响,降低了成本,同时, at the same time, training efficiency is increased for the defence forces.

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